Southlake Laser Hair Removal Lumenis Splendor X
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Southlake Laser Hair Removal Lumenis Splendor X

Looking for a high-quality Southlake area laser hair removal service? You’re not alone, and you’re also in luck.  If you’re like most men and women who dream of a pain-free option for hair removal but don’t know how to eliminate unwanted hair, read on to learn more about how laser treatments in Southlake with Lumenis Splendor X can give you the results you’re looking for.  You can get ready for swimsuit season and be done with painful plucking, tweezing and waxing for good!

Cutting Edge Approach

Prism Dermatology offers non-invasive laser treatment that you can schedule today.  The laser hair removal services offered at Prism Dermatology are provided in Southlake using Lumenis Splendor X, which is globally recognized as a top energy-based technology.

What Can You Expect?

So how does it work?  At Prism Dermatology, your laser hair removal treatments will always be performed by a qualified laser physician. The lasers are simply tiny, soft beams of light.  Our Southlake laser hair removal treatments with Lumenis Splendor X are safe for use on any part of the body from the feet to the upper lip and everything in between. The laser will eliminate melanin in your hair follicles which makes it difficult for hair to grow in that area again; if it does grow, it will be much more sparse and for most of our clients it only takes three to seven treatments before a specific treatment area is completely hairless.

Are You A Good Candidate?

Although laser treatments are safe, with only minimal risk, there are some intricacies involved in the administration of these treatments; it’s also true that not everyone is a candidate for this hair removal option.  That’s why at Prism Dermatology only well trained, qualified laser technicians perform our South Lake hair removal services.

How Do You Prepare?

There are some tips you’ll want to follow in order to help you prepare for your treatments here.  First of all, avoid sun tanning for at least six weeks prior to your laser hair removal appointment as contrasted between your skin and hair follicles enables the laser to work its magic.  Next, go ahead and shave the areas you plan to treat 24 to 48 hours before your appointment but avoid any plucking; your hair follicles still need to be present in order for the laser treatment to work properly.

Close And Convenient

Are you asking around for Southlake laser hair removal near me? Let the team at Prism Dermatology take care of your unwanted hair and help you reach all of your skin care goals.

Contact the trusted professionals at Prism Dermatology and let them take care of your unwanted hair. Call 817-329-1350 today to schedule an appointment and learn which professional skin care services at Prism Dermatology will be right for you.

Make An Appointment Today

Contact our skin care team to learn more about the Prism Dermatology patient experience.

Call Us: 817-329-1350